
FOPS Christmas Disco


FOPS Christmas Disco FOPS Christmas Disco will be held on Tuesday 2nd December 2014. As with previous discos, Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1 will be held from 5:30pm until 6:30pm and Key Stage 2 from 6:45pm until 8pm. We …Continue reading

Year 6 Photographs


Academy are in school on Monday to take Year 6 photographs. Younger siblings who are not in school may arrive at 8:15am. Siblings in school will be photographed with Y6 during school hours.

Academy Photographs


Academy Photographers will be in school on Thursday 13th November to take individual and sibling photographs. Any younger siblings not attending school may be photographed together with their brothers/sisters at 8:15am before the start of the school day.

E-Safety Council Spread Important Message


A fantastic well done to Priory’s E-Safety council who did a brilliant job of spreading an important message, about how to stay safe online, at Parent’s Evening on the 4th and 5th November. They designed PowerPoint presentations and discussed important …Continue reading

Lost Property


We have a number of lost property items in the boxes outside 1B and 6F. Please feel free to look for any lost items during parents evening on Tuesday 4th and Wednesday 5th November.

Playground Fundraiser


We have raised a fantastic £561.01 for our Playground Fund. Thank-you to everyone who has donated.

New Key Stage 2 Playground – Bring on the Fun!


This week there was enormous excitement around Key Stage 2. After tantalizing the children for the past fortnight with a sneak preview of the new play equipment, it finally opened for business. A new adventure play area; with slides, swings, …Continue reading

Nursery and Reception 2015 Intake Meeting


We will be holding meetings on Tuesday 18th November, for new intake to Nursery and Reception 2015, at the following times: 9:30am for Nursery 2pm for Reception Please cotact us if you would like to come along on: 01782 233 …Continue reading

Nursery Applications


We currently have places available in our Nursery. If you would like to apply for a place, please contact the Stoke on Trent Admissions Department. They are available Monday to Thursday, 8.45am to 5pm and 8.45am to 4.30pm on Friday: 01782 …Continue reading

October Newsletter


A copy of our latest newsletter can be found by clicking on the heading of this post. Newsletter October 2014

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