PE and Sports


Priory PE and Sport Premium Funding

Pupil Premium Strategy 2023 – 2026

What is the PE & Sport Funding?

The Government has provided additional funding for schools, since 2013, to improve the quality of PE and sport they offer. This funding is jointly provided by the Departments for Education, Health and Culture, Media and Sport. This year the sum has been doubled and the Sugar Tax is also used for funding.  Priory receives £16,000 plus an additional £10 per pupil in Year 1 to Year 6. Schools must use the funding to make additional and sustainable improvements to the quality of PE and sport they offer.

This means that you should use the premium to:

  • develop or add to the PE and sport activities that your school already offers
  • make improvements now that will benefit pupils joining the school in future years

Click here for the Department for Education link to the Primary School’s Sport Funding page.

How will we be spending the PE & Sports Funding and who will benefit?

Our Objectives:

  • To increase participation in both after school clubs and daily physical activity (DPA) within school.
  • To provide a wider range and increased access to Level 1 and 2 competitions in a variety of sports.
  • Pupils who need to increase activity levels are given the chance to participate against others of a similar ability and potential.
  • To ensure that teachers have access to quality CPD and that teaching is of a high standard across the subject.

Main Spending:

  • Development of outdoor space
  • New PE equipment, and Inspection, upkeep and replacement of existing equipment
  • CPD for staff
  • Sports leaders and enjoyable lunchtimes initiative
  • Development of outdoor space

Impact of Spending Evidence

Impact of Spending Evidence – updated July 2023

CPD for Teachers

CPD has been offered to staff throughout the year, enabling them to use the budget to improve their confidence in delivering high quality sessions, thus enhancing the profile of PE throughout the school.

We have been offered a number of courses this year; PE Passport has enabled us to plan and deliver high quality sessions, along with other teaching resources we have been given. Year 4 Teacher

Resources for High Quality Sessions

Sports funding has been used this year to enhance the quality of PE sessions. PE Passport has enabled teachers to teach subjects that they have not covered before, including rugby and volleyball.

Enjoyable Lunchtimes Initiative

Sports funding has been used to develop and maintain resources for a wide range of activities for the children to take part in on the playground. These activities are run by Sports Leaders, resulting in a reduction in the number of minor incidents in the games that they play.

Dinner times are great, there is always a lot to do! Leo, Year 6

Development of Outdoor Space

FS have had a new playground this year, along with KS1. An orienteering trail has also been installed on the KS2 playground to use at dinner and to further enhance the curriculum. All are designed to ensure that children are getting that one hour a day physical activity.

I love the orienteering trails- we used them in our history lesson! Poppy, Year 6


CPD for teachers

Staff should feel more confident when teaching PE, as a result this will mean higher attainment and higher quality PE sessions. This will be sustained in house if teachers need to focus on a specific area, there are teachers in the school more capable of sharing good practice.

Increased participation in competitions

The purchase of the minibus increased the participation in sports competitions and other activities, prior to the covid-19 pandemic.  

Development of outdoor space

Additional resources have enabled us to continue to offer pupils the opportunity to be actively involved in DPA. Thus promoting their health and well-being.  The Golden Mile and Sports Leaders have also been imbedded throughout school to increase the amount of DPA; this is being sustained as the new sports leaders train future leaders.

Increased participation in Clubs

Time 4 Sport deliver a range of after-school sports clubs, which are available to all children from Reception to Year 6. Staff will provide clubs for games across all year groups from Spring 2022, including netball, rugby, football (team), girls football and yoga.


Swimming lessons were suspended during 2020/21, due to the covid-19 pandemic. They are scheduled to restart during spring of 2023/24.

Y6 Swimming Attainment 2019/20

P.E. Overview

Click here for a clear overview for P.E taught from Year 1 to Year 6 throughout the year, broken down in to half-terms.

P.E is taught on a weekly basis throughout the school as a discrete subject. Each child within the school receives two hours of physical education each week.

Please click here to view our Curriculum Intent.

Please click here to view how we measure the Progression of Skills at Priory.

You can view our PE Policy here.

You can view our Child Friendly PE Policy here.


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