Parental Support – Online-Safety


Online Safety Advice for Parent/Carers | (


Parental Support – OnlineCEOP Safety

If you feel you need to report something to the Police (CEOP) about somebody’s actions on the internet, please click the CEOP logo.

The influence of technology on children is rapidly increasing. With tablets, smart-phones, games consoles and televisions offering increasingly easy access to the internet, the importance of online-safety is rising dramatically. We base our online-safety message around Education for a Connected World

Key Stage 2

At Priory, we encourage all children to use the best practice on the internet. Children are taught to use the internet correctly, how to deal with pop-ups, phishing emails and unwanted contacts on the internet, as well as the best practice with passwords and confidentiality. You can take a look at our ICT safety rules for Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2.

Cyberbullying is dealt with in zero-tolerance manner. Any instances of bullying through social media, email, sms messaging or other means will involve the usual consequences applied within school.

Helping to keep your child safe:

Here are some helpful links to help educate your child in the safest ways to use the internet. They also give helpful hints on ways to protect your computer equipment at home.

CEOP – very helpful for looking into new games or apps that children talk about. Check their safety from experts and fellow parents’ reviews. NSPCC have created a website called Net Aware that tells you everything you need to know about keep children safe online. 

We survey and assess the Key Stage 2 children’s knowledge of online-safety best practice each year, reacting to any trends and issues to ensure the children are as safe as can be. This is based around 30 questions about their usage, knowledge and understanding of the dangers associated with online behaviour. Children are confident in sharing any issues concerning them, which are then addressed in school.


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