Young Carers


Is your child a Young Carer?

Our commitment to Young Carers

Young carers are children and young people under the age of 18 years old who provide regular and ongoing care to a family member who is physically or mentally ill, disabled or misuses substances (ADASS, ADCS and the Children’s Society, 2012).

A young carer may undertake some or all of the following:

  • Practical tasks, for example, cooking, housework or shopping
  • Physical care, for example, lifting, helping up the stairs or physiotherapy
  • Personal care, for example, dressing, washing or toileting needs
  • Emotional support, for example, listening, calming or being present
  • Household management, for example, paying bills, managing finances or collecting benefits
  • Looking after siblings, for example, putting to bed, walking to school or other parting tasks
  • Interpretation, for example, for hearing/speech impairment or English as an additional language
  • Administering medication, for example, insulin needles or preparing daily tablets

What support can we give to your Young Carer?

If you think that your child is a Young Carer please contact Mrs Forrester Senior Inclusion Lead on 01782 234953 or email

Mrs Forrester will then complete a referral form for the Young Carers Hub and if appropriate to North Staffs Carers. Someone from the Carer’s Hub will then contact you and arrange to come and see your child in school to complete an assessment and to create a young carers plan. Types of things that the Carers Hub can offer would be activities, first aid courses, counselling etc.

Your child will be able to speak to any of the Young Carers Champions in school.


Carers Trust

Action for Children

The Carers Hub

North Staffs Carers

Latest News:

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