Upper Key Stage 2


Welcome to UKS2

A phase full of answers to questions such as: ‘Space: is the future always in motion?’ ‘Survival of the fittest: fact or fiction?’ ‘Technology: aid or obstruction?’ And ‘What is the circle of life?’

In our phase, pupils further develop their roles and responsibilities at Priory: they become more independent, planning more of their own curriculum and taking their learning in the direction that they choose. They develop many new skills and have the opportunity to experience new situations, such as visiting the Arboretum, a visit to Warner Brothers Studios to discover a world of magic, along with spending a week away on a residential trip.

In our phase we work hard, develop our skills and most importantly, have fun whilst we are doing it! Pupils should leave our phase with self-belief, determination and the confidence to face new challenges at high school.

Year 5

The children are welcomed to the wonderful world of Upper Key Stage 2 in Year 5, where they will begin to take on extra responsibilities and will be looked upon as role models by many of the other children in the school. Throughout Year 5, children will experience dress-up days, visit amazing places such as Leicester Space Centre and even having the opportunity to visit ‘The Warner Brothers Studios’. All of the learning that is encountered helps to build the children’s understanding and independence, as well as to prepare them for all that awaits in Year 6, including SATs.

Here is a list of the Year 5 Expectations for English and Maths.

Here is the Year 5 Long Term Plan

Year 6

In year 6, we work hard to ensure that pupils can be the best that they can be in every way. We consolidate and review previous learning to enable pupils to do their best in their SATS (in May). Furthermore, through motivational speakers, additional responsibilities and trust, we further develop pupils’ independent skills to enable them to be as ready as possible for their transition to high school, a residential visit plays a big part in this.

A Glossary of Terms is available to help the children with their GPS and English SATS revision.

Pupils also have the chance to ‘tread the boards’ if they so wish in our summer musical. If they are less musically inclined, they can take a main role with creating props and scenery, ICT backgrounds, lighting etc.

Our year culminates with a celebration of their success of their life at Priory.

Here is a list of the Year 6 Expectations for English and Maths.

Here is the Year 6 Long Term Plan

Year 5 Topics

Autumn 1 – Space: is the future always in motion? (Science focus)

Children will blast off at the start of the year, with a super space topic.  Within this topic, children will explore what lies beyond our atmosphere. They will research the planets and our Solar System, discover how understanding and knowledge has changed through time and explore how our planets’ movement affects us.

Autumn 2 – Is everything as it seems? (Science focus)

Children will turn into scientists as they explore materials and their properties – looking at classifying, separating and dissolving materials with lots of fun, hands-on experiments. We also further our understanding of forces and the effects of them. We look at the facts and opinions around the moon landing before debating whether it really happened or not.

Spring 1 – What is the circle of life? (Geography and Science focus)

In the words of Elton John, ‘The circle of life, it’s a wheel of fortune,’: this is true for our topic – the children will be studying humans and human growth along with that of many other animals, including mammals, insects, amphibians and reptiles (some of their choosing), looking at plants and their lifecycles and comparing and contrasting different species.  The children will learn a lot about themselves and the living things in the world around us.

Spring 2 – Where in the World? (Science focus)

Where have you been?  Where do you want to go? From North to South, East to West, the children will discover some of the wonders of our world.  They will study mountains, rivers and the arctic regions, as well as looking what animals live in each location (linking with our last topic).

Summer 1 and 2 – Ancient Civilizations: what is their legacy? (History Focus)

Throughout this topic, children will be comparing the different historical periods to make a decision on which they believe had the biggest impact on the world.  They will also look at how these Ancient Civilisations still impact on us today – the thing that we can learn from them, the books that are inspired by them, along with many other magical mysteries.

Leo- I love how many science experiments we do in Year 5.” 

Sienna- I feel so lucky to be at this school because everyone is so nice and helpful.

Mollie- Year 5 has great topics and the teachers are very nice.” 

Fabian- I am so lucky to be here at Priory. The pupils are so nice, it is wonderful to see them help each other.”

Spencer- Year 5 is a fun, enjoyable year. We have lots of fun lessons and I have enjoyed learning about space.

Ayat- In year 5 our teachers are amazing and our PE lessons are very fun.”

Sebastian- I think it is great that there are lots of different councils that we can be a part of.”

Amelia- We have a lovely playground with lots of exciting things to do.”

Lilly – We have fun but educational lessons.

Year 6 Topics

Autumn 1- Survival of the fittest: fact or fiction? (Science Focus)

Throughout this topic the children will focus on the works of Charles Darwin. The children will be working on classifying living things; focusing on Darwin’s findings and looking at how environments help shape us. They will be using the information acquired to then create their own superhero. Furthermore, within this topic the children will focus on the circulatory system and how we keep ourselves fit and healthy.

Autumn 2- Technology: aid or obstruction? (Science Focus)

Within this topic, we look at both modern inventions and their more tradition equivalents. We look at tradition art versus digit art, paper maps versus Sat Nat and traditional forms of light versus modern forms of light. This culminates with the creation of the children’s own electric vehicles and a discussion centering upon the main topic question.

Spring 1, Spring 2 and Summer 1- World War 2: what is the impact? (History Focus)

Our most extensive topic focuses on WW2 looking at areas such as: important historical figures; the events within this period; life in Britain (including the role of women, rationing etc); as well as the atrocity that was the holocaust.

During this topic children will visit Cosford and the National Arboretum to help bring the topic to life.

Summer 2 – High School: are you ready?  (PSHCE/Expressive Arts Focus)

Within this topic we will focus on the high school transition text, Treasure Island, produce a wonderful production and reflect on everyone’s experiences at Priory.

Luke- I like how we work on different topics in the afternoon. We look at electricity and circuits and learn about different places of worship in R.E.

Rowan- I really enjoy the diverse content of English, how we write about dragons, letters from the war and many other pieces.

Angelina- We think that mistakes are proof that you are trying.” 

Kaden- The pets are super cute and the teachers are the best.” 

Mia- The people in this school are very helpful and I have learnt so much in topic lessons!” 


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