Key Stage 1 Staff

Teachers and Teaching Support StaffClass Role
Mrs E WoolliscroftYear 1
Wonderful Willows
Assistant Principal, EYFS to Year 2 Senior Leader, RE & Worship Lead, Curriculum, Deputy DSL
Miss C GreatbatchYear 1
Magnificent Maples
History & Geography Lead
Mrs C TudorWonderful Willows
Inclusion Hub
Learning Assistant Inclusion Assistant
Miss S ForresterMagnificent MaplesLearning Assistant
PE Support
Mrs A Bloor Year 2
Brilliant Beeches
Key Stage 1 Leader
Early Reading & Phonics Lead
Mrs R Garside-ChellYear 2
Outstanding Oaks
Miss S KennedyYear 2
Outstanding Oaks
Mrs N Davies
Brilliant BeechesLearning Assistant
Mrs R FinneganOutstanding OaksLearning Assistant






Latest News:

20 May 2024

New Intake Meeting – Nursery and Reception September 2024

📌 We are holding a meeting for Parents/Carers of children who have been offered places in Nursery and Reception for September 2024. Please come along and join us on Tuesday 11th June at 9:30am. You’ll have the opportunity to chat …Continue reading

29 Apr 2024

Sports Day 2024

Sports Day will take place on Wednesday 22nd May, at the following times: • Year 1 and Year 2 – 9:15 a.m. to 10:15 a.m. • Nursery and Reception – 10:45 a.m. to 11:45 a.m. • Year 3 and Year …Continue reading

11 Mar 2024

Easter Fun at St Matthias

St Matthias Church would like to invite you to join them for a morning of Easter fun!

16 Feb 2024

3 Steps to Change

🌎 Please see the link and QR code below to the 3 Steps to our Change Forms Survey: 3 Steps to Change Survey             ♻️ The children and staff have started to complete it and …Continue reading

7 Feb 2024

Sustainability Library Books

🌎 FOPS have very kindly donated funds to provide these beautiful books for our new Sustainability Section in the library. 🙏 Thank you to FOPS and everyone who supports their fundraising events. 🌈 #Team Priory #sustainablesbmat

16 Jan 2024

Sustainability Update – Spring Term 2023/24

Last term, we made a great start in raising awareness about climate change and sustainability.  We: appointed Advocates of Earth took part in the Pupil Parliament with St Bart’s MAT joined the National Education Nature Park took part in the …Continue reading

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