Pupil Premium


Pupil Premium Strategy 2023 – 2026

At Priory CE Primary School, we have high expectations for all pupils in our school,
and believe that with quality first teaching, effective engagement with parents and a
personalised approach to meet children’s individual needs, every child can fulfil
their individual potential, both academically and socially.

In order to do this, we engage in a range of strategies to provide support to
overcome barriers to learning. We provide a rich and varied curriculum, which
contributes to pupils’ outcomes, so that children are engaged and achieve well. Key
interventions and approaches are adopted on a whole school level and are not only
restricted to pupils eligible for the Pupil Premium. Some specific interventions and
school initiatives have been made possible by allocating the Pupil Premium and/or
catch-up funding. Our strategies target the individualised needs of our children in
receipt of Pupil Premium, with the main aim being that these children do as well as
their peers with similar starting points, who not eligible for the Pupil Premium.
School leaders are committed to ensuring that all of our disadvantaged pupils
receive frequent intervention and daily support, alongside emotional wellbeing
support in order for pupils to achieve their potential.

Funding is allocated within the school budget by financial year. The budget enables
us to plan our intervention and support programme year on year, based on the
needs of the current cohort of children in receipt of Pupil Premium funding. When
making decisions about allocating our Pupil Premium Funding, we have analysed
our data thoroughly and have made use of a range of research, such as the
Education Endowment Foundation and The Sutton Trust. Expenditure is reviewed,
planned and implemented by academic year as shown within this strategy plan

Next Pupil Premium Strategy update December 2024

Latest News:

20 May 2024

New Intake Meeting – Nursery and Reception September 2024

📌 We are holding a meeting for Parents/Carers of children who have been offered places in Nursery and Reception for September 2024. Please come along and join us on Tuesday 11th June at 9:30am. You’ll have the opportunity to chat …Continue reading

29 Apr 2024

Sports Day 2024

Sports Day will take place on Wednesday 22nd May, at the following times: • Year 1 and Year 2 – 9:15 a.m. to 10:15 a.m. • Nursery and Reception – 10:45 a.m. to 11:45 a.m. • Year 3 and Year …Continue reading

11 Mar 2024

Easter Fun at St Matthias

St Matthias Church would like to invite you to join them for a morning of Easter fun!

16 Feb 2024

3 Steps to Change

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7 Feb 2024

Sustainability Library Books

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16 Jan 2024

Sustainability Update – Spring Term 2023/24

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