British Values


Promoting British Values

The government defines British Values as democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, mutual respect and tolerance of different faiths and beliefs.  As a school we promote British Values through our own values, curriculum enrichment activities and daily life. Our ethos is one of respect, tolerance and fairness.

Value How we promote it…


Links to our school values:










UN CRC Article 12:  Children have the right to say what they think should happen, when adults are making decisions that affect them, and to have their opinions taken into account.

  •  Children are taught about the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child and learn to respect their rights and the rights of others.
  •  We teach children about democracy through decisions that are made in class and across the school.
  • Through assemblies and our programme of Personal, Social, Health Education (PSHE) and Citizenship children are taught about democracy.
  • Our pupils have a strong voice through our UNICEF Rights Respecting Schools ethos.
  • We aim to ensure that our pupils have a genuine and significant voice when decisions are made that affect them.
  • Pupils take part in annual elections for the representatives of our Groups & Councils.

Priory Ambassadors (Year 6 pupils who promote the school and support other pupils)

The School Council (Can be involved in any aspect of the school)

The RRS Squad (Fundraising, advocates, support anti-bullying)

The Eco Council (recycling, care for the environment)

The Worship Council (worship, prayer and reflection)

The E Safety Council (all aspects of Internet safety including raising awareness)

  • Our School Council and Ambassadors visit Parliament every year.
  • Our local MP and Councillors visit our school to talk to pupils about their work.
  • We encourage volunteerism in and out of school. This includes things like being an active Council Member, being a Priory PAL, our work in the Early Years and Care home project and also raising money for local and national charities.
The rule of law


Links to our school values:









UN CRC Article 19: Governments should ensure that children are properly cared for, and protect them from violence, abuse and neglect by their parents, or anyone else who looks after them.

  • We have high expectations about pupil conduct and this is reflected in our Behaviour Policy. There are a variety of rewards for exhibiting good behaviour.
  • Through our programmes of Personal, Social, Health Education (PSHE) and Citizenship children are taught about several aspects of the rule of law and safety.
  • Through our school assemblies, circle time and PSHE children are taught how to earn trust and respect and are supported to develop a strong sense of morality; knowing right from wrong and doing the right thing even when it’s difficult.
  • We work closely with our local PCSOs and they regularly visit school to support any issues and to enhance the curriculum e.g. explaining their role in society, participation in mock crime investigations.
  • We run the ‘Junior Cadets’ programme with our local Police Officers. Through this children are taught about the law, the need for laws and the role of the Police. At the end of each 10 week course we celebrate achievement with a ‘passing out’ ceremony.
  • We invite visitors, such as a local solicitor, so that children can learn about other aspects of upholding the law.
  • Children are involved in conflict resolution on a daily basis through the use of PALS to support issues during playtimes.


Individual liberty 

Links to our school values:









UN CRC Article 31:  All children have a right to relax and play, and to join in a wide range of activities.

UN CRC Article 15:  Children have the right to meet together and to join groups and organisations, as long as this does not stop other people from enjoying their rights.

  • Children understand individual liberty as it features strongly in the UNICEF Rights.
  • We are a Level 1 UNICEF Rights Respecting School (RRS) and our ethos promotes respect for their own rights and the rights of others.
  • Children are aware of the UNICEF Rights for all children and have a deep understanding of the main five Rights we have chosen to promote in school.
  • These Rights underpin our behaviour system.

Our Rights (and responsibilities)

1. We all have the right to be safe and healthy (To share ideas and listen to others)

2. We all have the right to join in lots of activities, play and relax (To be kind, caring and supportive)

3. We all have the right to any special care and support we need (To look after ourselves, each other and our school)

4. We all have the right to develop our own personality and talents (To always try hard and encourage each other to be the best that we can be)

5. We all have the right to help make important decisions (To take part, play fair and include others)

  • Through our school values and the Jig-Saw PSHE programme, children are taught about personal responsibility, choices, ambition and aspiration.
  • They are encouraged to take opportunities to follow their interests in art, music, sport etc.
  • Children are taught how to keep themselves safe, including on-line. This is done through computing lessons, assemblies and outside organisations such as the NSPCC, as well as through the PSHE curriculum.
Mutual respect

Links to our school values:









UN CRC Article 2:  The Convention applies to everyone whatever their race, religion, abilities, whatever they think or say and whatever type of family they come from.

UN CRC Article 30: Children have a right to learn and use the language and customs of their families, whether these are shared by the majority of people in the country or not.


  • We have high expectations of pupil conduct and this is reflected in our Behaviour Policy.
  • Children are taught about the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child and learn to respect their rights and the rights of others.
  • Through our everyday life, school’s values, Jig-Saw scheme, PSHE and circle time children are taught to respect each other, to be cooperative and collaborative, be supportive and to look for similarities while being understanding of differences.
  • Mutual respect is also promoted through additional PSHE lessons and assemblies. A range of specific assemblies were delivered focusing on helping other pupils to understand specific special needs.


Tolerance of different faiths and beliefs


Links to our school values:










UN CRC Article 14:  Children have the right to think and believe what they want, and to practise their religion, as long as they are not stopping other people from enjoying their rights. Parents should guide their children on these matters.


  • As a Christian school we support children on their personal spiritual journey and promote respect and tolerance of different faiths and beliefs.
  • We provide regular worship along with time and space for prayer and reflection.
  • Tolerance of different faiths and beliefs is promoted through the Syllabus for Religious Education we follow.
  • Children learn about different religions, their beliefs, places of worship and festivals such as Ramadan and Diwali.
  • We hold an annual Diversity Day in the summer term to explore other cultures and religions.
  • The children’s work on this subject or whole school learning in assemblies is often displayed in the classrooms or around the school.
  • Children learn about all major religions and visit places of worship.
  • Through PSHE, Citizenship, RE, RRS and other areas we promote respect for individual differences and help children to acquire an understanding of, and respect for, their own and other cultures and ways of life.
  • Visits are made by local religious leaders and children have the opportunity to visit places of worship.
  • Priory has strong links with the local church and Vicar.
  • Children are taught about the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child and learn to respect their rights and the rights of others.
















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