Parental Support – Maths


We are always keen for parents to get involved in their child’s learning and are happy to provide any assistance that could help with this. Whether it be details of maths methods, support with basic skills, extra application, etc. please ask your child’s teacher to supply what you require and they will do their best to help.

Below are some files and websites that might be of help. Please click on the link to download them:

Times Table Rock Stars | St Joseph's Catholic Junior School BirtleyMaths: Times Table Rock Stars

We have invested in ‘Times Tables Rock Stars’, an online-based maths tool. Your child has been given a username and password and has been allocated times tables by their class teacher (at their level).  Their teacher is able to monitor their progress, both as a class and individually – though the APP or the website, your child is also able to see their own improvements and progress.

To gain access go to the website:

Make sure that our school is selected as the organization ‘Priory Cofe Primary School, Stoke-on-trent’  All pupils have their own password and username (ask the relevant class teacher if a reminder is needed).

NumBots and TimesTables Rockstars | Harton Primary SchoolMaths: Numbots

Linked to Times Tables Rock Stars is their game for basic maths skills. Appropriate for children from Reception upwards, this game develops counting, calculation and numerical understanding in a fun and engaging manner. 

Build up your ‘Robot’ by earning coins and completing levels, while improving your number skills.


Make sure that our school is selected as the organization ‘Priory Cofe Primary School, Stoke-on-trent’  All pupils have their own password and username (these are the same as the TT Rock Stars details).

Maths Games for KS2: designed by a teacher for teachers - Mathsframe

Maths: Maths Frame

We have also invested in the online resource ‘Maths Frame’

On this website, a number of games and activities are available for all year groups and ability levels.  These games and activities are also used in class.

To gain access go to the website:

To play the games log in (top right).  The username is: priory and the password is: maths123

Then click ‘home’ and choose the required activity.


 Rapid Steps
To help children practise and improve on basic number skills, we have been using Rapid Recall tests. These tests take 2 minutes to answer 24 questions of varying difficulty. Although some may seem simple, mastering 24 out of 24 marks in a short period of time takes some considerable skill.



Below is a document detailing the skills required to progress through the Rapid Recall system. Please click the link below to view.
Rapid Maths Steps


And here are some suggested ideas and explanations about the targets in each step:
Step 1 – Parent targets
Step 2 – Parent targets
Step 3 – Parent targets
Step 4 – Parent targets
Step 5 – Parent targets
Step 6 – Parent targets
Step 7 – Parent targets

The way that each year group is taught the 4 main mathematical operations (+, -, x, ÷)  can cause some confusion. Here is the calculation policy to help you understand the methods we use in school and enable you to help your child understand them.

Our Calculation Policy can found here.



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New Intake Meeting – Nursery and Reception September 2024

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