

Education Lincs - ArborArbor – our new online payment service

To try and make school payments as simple and straightforward as possible, we’re accepting payments online for items such as dinner money, All Stars, school trips and clubs.  Using a secure website called Arbor, you will be able to pay online using your credit or debit card. Arbor will be our preferred method of making payments to school.

What are the benefits to parents and pupils?

  • Arbor is easy-to-use and will offer you the freedom to make online payments whenever and wherever you like, 24/7 –
  • the technology used is of the highest internet security available ensuring that your money  will reach school safely – offering you peace of mind
  • payments can be made by credit/debit card or also through Arbor
  • full payment histories and statements are available to you securely online at anytime
  • your children won’t have to worry about losing money at school

Our Arbor secure database also holds contact information that can be updated to ensure our contact details held for emergency purposes are up to date.

What are the benefits to our school?

The more parents that use Arbor, the greater the benefit is to our school. Using Arbor ensures that all financial transactions are safe and secure – helping us to remove costs associated with us having to manage cash securely on the school premises.

If you have any questions, please contact the school Office.

For more information please click here. Link to Arbor log-in page

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