Parental Support – Literacy


Reading Rocks!

Parental Support – English

At Priory, we believe that solid Reading and Writing skills are fundamental for success, both at school and beyond.  As with maths, we are always keen for parents to get involved in their child’s learning and are happy to provide any assistance that could help with this. Whether it be support with subject knowledge, or the provision of resources for extra application – please ask your child’s teacher to supply what you require and they will do their best to help.

Below are some files and websites that might be of help. Please click on the link to access or download them:

Priory Writing and Reading Skills

Throughout the school we take a ‘quality text’ based approach to English.  Each year group have a range of texts that guide, scaffold and support the delivery of English.  The texts are a range of literary classics along with more modern, relevant masterpieces – this ensures that when a child reaches the end of their Priory journey, they have encountered a wide of genres and authors. 

Each year group have a set of specific Reading and Writing skills to focus on; these will be worked on in conjunction with (or alongside) the ‘quality text’ approach.


Accelerated Reader

AR is a reading program that helps teachers support and monitor children’s reading practice.  Your child can pick a book from our wide (and ever growing) range in school, and read it at their own pace to develop their skills and their love of reading.  When finished, your child will take a short online quiz to measure how much of the book they understood.  The books that the children read will depend on their ZPD range and their interests – we encourage a range of fiction and non-fiction.

To determine each child’s individual ‘Zone of Proximal Development’ (ZPD) children with take regular ‘Star Reading tests’; this will ensure that all children are reading books of suitable challenge and that they are progressing – ask your child’s class teacher about this if you require any more support.

You can also find books that fit within your child’s ZPD range and interests.  You can either directly search to see if a particular book is in the system, or you can type in your child’s ZPD range and interests and it will recommend books to you (a great idea for finding Christmas or Birthday treats) (find your own AR books here)

For more information about Accelerated Reader please click on the link below.

A Guide to GPS (Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling)

There is a continued focus in education on developing not only the children’s use of grammar, but also their explicit understanding. Understandably, many parents are unsure of the correct use and terminology involved with grammar. Below is a link to the School Run website which has a simple and easy to use guide to grammar terms, with helpful examples.

Spelling Shed - Spelling Shed - Spelling game for school and homeSpelling – Spelling shed

To support spellings within our school, we have signed up to ‘The Spelling Shed’ online resource.  The Spelling Shed spelling scheme of work gives full coverage of the English national curriculum for years 1-6. Each stage relates to its corresponding year (so stage 1 is for year 1, etc.). The scheme is broken down into weekly objectives, each of which has a word list, a learning activity and a practice sheet – these are what will come home for Home Learning.

There is also access to online games, similar to TT Rockstars: your child’s log in information should be the same.

Literacy Apps


Childrens’ books and reading – a free range of books, videos, audio books and educational videos (grouped by reading level and interest). Several of the books are available to quiz on for AR.

Vocab Ninja

Word of the Day  – an introduction to new vocabulary.

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New Intake Meeting – Nursery and Reception September 2024

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